I’m glad your feeling better! My entire family got the flu for Christmas but were lucky that we did get it early enough before that’s we did spend Christmas Day together. Even after testing positive for flu and negative for Covid, my husband and I pretty much stayed in different parts of the house so we wouldn’t give it back to the other since he had it worse than I did. Not my idea of Christmas!

I hope that you have a healthy new year and can do all new and different fun things to make up for what you missed over Christmas!

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I am still a lucky gal no matter what but for sure it was not my favorite Christmas. Glad you all got better in time to have Christmas day together. I am back out and about and all is well. Wishing you and yours a very happy new year!!! xo

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Get well soon. I am in the neighborhood if you ever need help with anything . Happy New Year !

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Once again, just amazing anecdotes turning into an amazing realisation of life. I have nicked named November as “No health” November since I spent most of it sick with both RSV and Bronchitis. I agree so much with covid and depression being linked but probably not in a physically way. Isolation: simple as that. When the hospital were filled, no one was allowed in or out to visit, and even though we have come far in preventing spread and severity, I can’t help but wonder if the rightful panic the first months of it brought have conditioned our brains to associate it with impending doom

And on that more than NPR like note, Happiest of holidays to you and Roxy.

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Happy happy new year!!! Glad you are finally feeling better! COVID packs a big emotional punch. The isolation is no fun and we all have PTSD from the first round of it. Some day we will look back on it and scratch our heads but for now we are still mid-pandemic and that bites,

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We got COVID too around Thanksgiving. I think it was one of the Buc’ees stops outside Houston coming or going. Buc’ees was particularly full and no one was masked. I bent to not masking ... and we got the VID.

Our symptoms were a really bad cough and thick mucosa down the throat (hence the bad cough). None of the prior ways to beat it back worked ... I assume yet another adaptation. Echinacea did help with that one. It does that ... and I bet a new variant will arise in China as that country opens lockdowns. There always seem globally new variants.

I am not sure if we get back to the old “normal” but we can make the best of the new environment. People who care for us is a great way to weather it.

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I am glad that you are all feeling better. Crazy times but we will get through it.

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Our whole family had Covid at the beginning of November, and I also experienced depression along with a myriad of other strange symptoms. My infant son and husband had the same strain, and they both had different symptoms from me and each other. It's such a strange virus.

Wishing you good health and plenty of joy as we move into the new year.

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I was very surprised but the stats regarding COVID and depression. 50 % is a huge number and that is who they estimate gets depression on the back side of the disease. A lot of things probably factoring in there but I had to seriously fight through furling super blue.

Wishing you a wonderful healthy new year! On we go ...

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