It’s because we do not age inside. We are still that vibrant person we always have been. Looking in the mirror (or through the camera) we see outside which doesn’t usually reflect the shining soul we are within.

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love this! PS I saw you the first night at EBWW. I knew it “ was you.” We need more movies with you!!! 💕laura in Colorado

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" When I Think of Christmas" coming on Hallmark on Nov.20

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Sigh. You write so eloquently, meaningfully and insightfully. ❤️

Life is tough. Aging is tougher. My world is filled now with food sensitivities. Ironically I helped my mom with those same allergies ... I apparently localized them a few years before they showed up in my mom’s life. She noted that food used to be a joy and now so much of it is restricted.

Health issues, new and persistent pains ... I barely remember a younger age when it was a bit more carefree. And yes, ageism abounds even against those in their 50s. I know they say aging is better than the alternative- but of course if that’s the case we would not know the difference then.

But I do think we older folk find joys that young ones don’t. Take the joy of seeing someone truly remarkable. I don’t mean “see” in the hormone driven 18 yr old “see” ... but to see people in their depth, their resilience, their joy, their sorrow, their heart and soul. That level of seeing needs a life lived to see another’s unique and beautiful patina. If we are truly blessed those people allow us to know them in a meaningful way, too.

I have far fewer people close to me then I did in my late 20s. I was known for an email list or 1500 people in 1999, but those people clearly didn’t see me. But I have to say I know a short list of people and all the subtleties of their lives’ patinas.

I definitely see you, Beth; I also get to know you in some sense. Both are blessings. You are a remarkable person. You shine with far more inner radiance and beauty than many in Tinseltown. I say don’t restrict your view of love - the joy of patinas is that love is far more deep, rich and varied. I bet you find some great deep connections there in LA. Just stay with those who have deep that rivals your own. And definitely enjoy Christmas movies ... I definitely do!! Love the media.

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Thank you for this beautiful note. I have many deep deep connections to people in LA. My family is here and some of my oldest friends. I am very happy to be back here. My newest Christmas movie is called " When I Think of Christmas" it will be out on November 20th on Hallmark. Again thanks for staying in touch and being such a careful thoughtful reader and friend. xo

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