Amen! It was good to see you this morning on our morning's walk! As I said just you can't do all you need to do with "one big bite". Take each small bite, and you will get it all done! Also, I was serious, if you need me do anything to help, I up for keeping water in the fountains while you're gone! In case I don't see you before you move, break-a-leg on the film and move!

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Thank you so much! I truly appreciate it!

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Good on you on all counts. Hallmark and Canada will soothe and replenish. And then welcome to LA! PS I want a butler.

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LOL right?

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You’re right on about it all, Beth. The one word we must conquer saying is “overwhelmed.” Which is the feeling we all experience at least once a week. If not one a day. Or once an hour. Line up the tasks, number them, and attend to each, one at a time. It works. Love to you on LaLa Land. Robert

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Wow, you've got quite the busy schedule lately! Sending good thoughts your way, and I look forward to seeing your new Hallmark project. I hope everything goes smoothly for you :)

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